The Crested Butte Farmers Market (CBFM) was created to support regional farmers and artisanal food producers by providing a venue that allows them to sell their products directly to the public.
Markets will be held on Sundays on the 100 and Zero Blocks of Elk Avenue in the Town of Crested Butte. In 2025, the Market season will run from Sunday, May 25th through Sunday, October 5th. Markets will be held for 20 consecutive Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To fully comply and cooperate with the Town of Crested Butte, the market may temporarily move locations or cancel the market at the Town’s request. If this is the case, vendors will be given proper notice as soon as is feasible.
Market set-up shall begin no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and shall be complete by 9:00 a.m. If you arrive later than 9:00 a.m., you may not be permitted to set up at the discretion of the market manager. All vendor vehicles must be out of the market area by 8:30 a.m. You will not be permitted to drive into the market area after 8:30 a.m. The Executive Director, Market Director or another CBFM volunteer will be on-site at 7:00 a.m. to assist with set-up. Do not arrive earlier than 7:00 a.m.
Breakdown is to begin at 2:00 p.m. and should be complete by 3:00 p.m. Vendor vehicles are not allowed back into the market area until the market closes at 2:00 p.m. Vendors are expected to remain at the market until all their goods are sold or the market closes, whichever occurs first.
If you are unable to attend a market, please inform the market director at least three days in advance, by the Thursday before the upcoming market. When you apply to the market, please indicate which dates you can and cannot attend.
Only vendors who meet the specific eligibility requirements as outlined below, and have not been the subject of consumer complaint found to be valid by the board of Directors and who have consistently maintained their accounts in good order are eligible to apply. Completing the application does not guarantee acceptance. The deadline to apply is February 1st, 2025 at noon and you will find out if you are accepted or not no later than March 1st, 2025.
To apply:
1. Review the eligibility requirements below to determine that you are eligible to sell at the Crested Butte Farmers Market.
2. Complete the online application at by February 1st.
3. Your application will be reviewed by the CBFM Executive Director and Board of Directors.
4. You may be asked to fill out Additional Information Worksheet(s) to provide additional information about your processes and ingredients. In some instances, the Executive Director may be required to perform a farm or facilities inspection.
5. You will be notified if you have been accepted or not no later than March 1st.
6. Upon your acceptance into the CBFM, you will be invoiced for booth and any other additional fees. These fees are due by May 1st. Failure to pay your balance by this date will result in removal from the CBFM. If you are unable to pay your fees in full, you may speak to the Executive Director about setting up a payment plan.
7. All accepted vendors must provide proof of a commercial general liability policy in the amount of $1,000,000 and name the Crested Butte Farmers Market, Inc. as an additional insured on their policies.
It is the market’s goal to help create a sustainable Crested Butte. It is also the goal of the CBFM to support local farmers and artisanal food producers. In keeping with these goals, all agricultural products, arts and crafts, processed foods, value-added products and concessions must be grown, raised or made within a 100-mile radius (as the crow flies) of Crested Butte. The Board of Directors reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule to provide needed elements of supply not readily available within the 100-mile radius. In such cases, the CBFM Board of Directors will vote on whether or not to allow the out of area, or out of state, applicant to sell at the CBFM. This decision is solely that of the CBFM Board of Directors and will be made on a case by case basis. Shared booth models will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the CBFM Board of Directors. Shared booths will only be considered if the participating producers supply products with an unmet demand at the market and demonstrate they would be unable to attend as individual vendors. The CBFM does not allow subletting of booth space to other vendors.
All produce sold at the market must be grown within a 100-mile radius of the Town of Crested Butte and must be certified Organic or certified naturally grown. If you grow in accordance with these standards but do not currently hold certification, you may request an exemption after CBFM conducts a field inspection of your farm or garden.
Documentation Required: You must provide copies of your organic / certified naturally grown paperwork or apply to CBFM for exemption. If you apply for exemption, you must still grow in accordance with organic / certified naturally grown guidelines. You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide more information about your growing practices and standards.
All meats and animal foods sold at the market must be raised within a 100-mile radius of the Town of Crested Butte. Meat producers do not need to be certified organic or certified naturally grown; however, only producers adhering to sustainable, environmentally friendly grassed based and finished systems will be considered (excluding pork and chicken which should still be pasture and non-confinement based). All ruminant animals should have 100% of their dry matter intake from pasture sources during the growing season. All feeds fed to any animal should be GMO free. Supporting documentation of the animal health and diet and land health is required. Any meat sold should be processed in a USDA-inspected facility or in accordance with requirements of the Colorado Department of Public Health. Any animal product offered for sale must have been owned by the market vendor for more than 60% of its life, ideally the producer will own butcher ready animals from birth to processing bringing in only breeding stock to improve genetic diversity within the herd. The CBFM board reserves the right to amend this as needed to fill market demand.
Documentation Required: Please provide a copy of your Retail Food License. You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about your growing practices, land and herd management, etc.
All dairy products sold at the market must be from animals raised within a 100-mile radius of the Town of Crested Butte. All dairy products must be processed in a licensed dairy facility with the proper license being held for the products they sell. Dairy producers do not have to be certified organic, however only producers with a minimum of 50% of the animals’ dry matter intake coming from pasture sources during the growing season will be considered. All feeds fed to the animal should be GMO free. Supporting documentation of the animals’ complete diet and health and land health will be required. Dairy farms that are completely farmstead, meaning they do not purchase any milk from another source will be given first preference to fill market demand, as this gives the producer the ability to control the inputs in the animal’s diet completely. Raw Milk shares are only allowed if the producer holds a processing plant license in conjunction with the proper shareholder agreements. The CBFM board reserves the right to amend this as needed to fill market demand.
Documentation Required: Please provide a copy of your dairy plant license, weights and measures, and Retail Food Licenses. You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about your growing practices, land and herd management, etc.
Value-added food producers are defined by the Crested Butte Farmers Market as those selling prepared foods (e.g. bread, pastries, canned goods, etc.) from ingredients they purchase primarily from external sources. All value-added foods must be processed within a 100-mile radius of Crested Butte though they may contain ingredients from other locations. All ingredients should be sourced from USDA-certified organic, certified naturally grown or sourced from an approved vendor of the CBFM. The CBFM board reserves the right to amend this as needed to fill market demand.
All value-added products must be made in a licensed and inspected commercial kitchen and vendors must provide proof of that license before selling any value-added products. If you have questions about obtaining a Retail Food License, you can contact the Gunnison County Consumer Protection Specialist (Jenn Chavez, or check out the info at this link:
Ingredient lists for every item sold at your booth must be available for inspection by the public.
Disposable food service items including but not limited to plates, cups, flatware etc. produce the bulk of the waste at CBFM and as such must be minimized in the first place, and secondly be compostable or made of materials able to be recycled in Gunnison County (e.g. #1 & #2 plastics only). NO PLASTIC STRAWS! Value Added Food vendors (or anyone selling ready to eat food items) must provide trash, recycling or composting bins AT YOUR BOOTH for customers to utilize. You are required to dispose, recycle or compost that waste after the market OFF-SITE. This is in order to comply with the Town of Crested Butte’s Zero Waste Initiative for special events, like the Farmers Market, and to reduce the amount of waste placed in town and/or market trash receptacles.
Documentation Required: Please provide a copy of your Retail Food License. You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about the ingredients you use, as well as to provide copies of invoices or receipts to prove purchase of those ingredients.
Non-potentially hazardous foods such as spices, teas, dehydrated produce, nuts, seeds, honey, jams, jellies, and preserves, fruit butters, candies, and certain baked goods may be able to be prepared from home kitchens. Items such as dried meats, canned fruits and vegetables, pickled products, raw seed sprouts, baked goods with cream or cheese, juices or sauces are not permitted under the Cottage Food Law. CBD is also not an allowable ingredient in any Cottage Foods. For more information on the Cottage Food Law and how to become a certified Cottage Food Producer, visit
All cottage food items must be processed within a 100-mile radius of Crested Butte though they may contain ingredients from other locations. All ingredients should be sourced from USDA-certified organic, certified naturally grown or sourced from an approved local vendor of the CBFM.
Disposable food service items including but not limited to plates, cups, flatware etc. produce the bulk of the waste at CBFM and as such must be minimized in the first place, and secondly be compostable or made of materials able to be recycled in Gunnison County (e.g. #1 & #2 plastics only). NO PLASTIC STRAWS! Cottage Food vendors (or anyone selling ready to eat food items) must provide trash, recycling or composting bins AT YOUR BOOTH for customers to utilize. You are required to dispose, recycle or compost that waste after the market OFF-SITE. This is in order to comply with the Town of Crested Butte’s Zero Waste Initiative for special events, like the Farmers Market, and to reduce the amount of waste placed in town and/or market trash receptacles.
Documentation Required: Please provide a copy of your Food Safety Training for Cottage Food certification or Food Handler card (visit ‘Training Resources’ under the Colorado Cottage Foods Act website to learn more). You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about the ingredients you use, as well as to provide copies of invoices or receipts to prove purchase of those ingredients.
Food service items intended for consumption at the market such as those that derive from temporary food service establishments (e.g. restaurant-style booths, food carts etc.) are permitted for sale. Concessionaires must provide all current applicable permits and licenses to CBFM and are encouraged to contact the health department regarding safety guidelines and inspections. If you have questions about obtaining a Retail Food License, you can contact the Gunnison County Consumer Protection Specialist (Jenn Chavez, or check out the info at this link:
Concessions must be made of organic/sustainably grown, certified naturally grown or sourced from an approved local vendor of the CBFM and menu items must be approved by CBFM. The CBFM expects all concessions to be made from scratch by the vendors. The CBFM does not permit the sale of “pre-packaged” food or beverages not made by the concessionaire (canned sodas or bags of chips, for instance). The CBFM board reserves the right to amend this as needed to fill market demand.
Electricity is not provided by the Crested Butte Farmers Market and vendors may not plug into the electrical outlets of neighboring businesses or homes. We do not allow the use of generators at the market. There is 1 business that has been “grandfathered” in and we allow them to use a generator for a few weeks each season to operate their chili roaster. Any other “new” generator requests will not be allowed.
Disposable food service items including but not limited to plates, cups, flatware etc. produce the bulk of the waste at CBFM and as such must be minimized in the first place, and secondly be compostable or made of materials able to be recycled in Gunnison County (e.g. #1 & #2 plastics only). NO PLASTIC STRAWS! Concession vendors (or anyone selling ready to eat food items) must provide trash, recycling or composting bins AT YOUR BOOTH for customers to utilize. You are required to dispose, recycle or compost that waste after the market OFF-SITE. This is in order to comply with the Town of Crested Butte’s Zero Waste Initiative for special events, like the Farmers Market, and to reduce the amount of waste placed in town and/or market trash receptacles.
Ingredient lists for every item sold at your booth must be available for inspection by the public.
Documentation Required: You must provide copies of your Retail Food License and other relevant licenses prior to selling. You will also be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about the ingredients you use, as well as to provide copies of invoices or receipts to prove purchase of those ingredients.
All arts, crafts and body care items sold at the market must be designed, constructed or hand made by the seller. All arts, crafts and body care items must be created within a 100-mile radius of Crested Butte. Body care items should be made from scratch and use certified organic, natural or wild-crafted ingredients. Demonstration of your art or craft at the market is encouraged.
CBD at the CBFM – The Crested Butte Farmers Market does allow the sale of products containing CBD. We prioritize vendors that are growing their own hemp and can therefore speak to the specific growing practices of the product. Any potential CBD vendor must be using CBD from an approved source licensed with the state of Colorado and if you are the grower, you must be licensed with the state of Colorado. Additionally, the CBFM requires a full test panel from an accredited laboratory for each finished product you intend to sell. These test results should show that every individual product you intend to sell at the CBFM has an allowable level of THC (under 0.3% by volume). CBD is not permitted in any Cottage Food items. For more information on CBD, click here.
Documentation Required: In the case of body care vendors, you may be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide additional information about the ingredients you use, as well as to provide copies of invoices or receipts to prove purchase of those ingredients. If you are growing your own hemp, you may be asked to fill out an Additional Information Worksheet to provide more information about your growing practices, land management, etc.
Only farmers and ranchers will be considered for booth sharing.
- Each individual farm/ranch is allowed to sell only agricultural products that have been approved in their market application and are grown by them or their family on farmland that they own and/or control.
- Booth signage is required to clearly identify each farm/ranch and the products that are grown or raised on the farm/ranch.
- Vendors sharing booth space fall under the same resale rules as other vendors in the market.
CBFM will allow only one booth space to vendors sharing a booth.
Each approved vendor must provide their own insurance policy.
All vendors sharing a booth must report sales collectively.
The purpose of the Sprouts Program is to offer a space for children, aged 16 and younger, to sell their wares. Children may sell anything they make themselves, and are encouraged to use local, natural or organic ingredients. Spots in the Sprouts tent will be given on a first come, first served basis. The Sprouts tent is a shared booth, meaning you may be sharing the 10′ X 10′ space with several other children or groups. The CBFM provides and sets up the tent and table for the Sprouts sellers.
Because of the ongoing popularity and often congested space within the Sprouts Booth, we’ve had to implement the following boundaries:
- Parents are not allowed in our Sprouts tent.
- Parents are not allowed to sell or solicit for their children.
- Children are expected to clean up their area when finished and pack up any chairs and tables provided by the CBFM.
An exception to allow a parent in the Sprouts Booth can be made, at the discretion of the Market Director, for young children and/or those new to the Sprouts Booth. Thank you for understanding and helping us to continue the Sprouts booth.
In keeping with the market’s goal of building community within Crested Butte, CBFM offers booth space to non-profit and community-service oriented organizations. These organizations are encouraged to educate the public about their organization, offer items for sale at their booth, advertise upcoming events as well as solicit donations and perform educational outreach. Organizations structured as not-for-profits are only eligible for not-for-profit space, and are not eligible for other booth spaces. In order to remain politically and religiously neutral, the CBFM cannot allow politically affiliated groups/candidates or any religious groups a non-profit booth space. Booth space is provided free of charge and these organizations are exempt from the market fee; however, they turn in a record of sales made and donations received at the end of each market day for record keeping by the Crested Butte Farmers Market. All sales tax, if relevant, is the responsibility of the not-for-profit and not the Crested Butte Farmers Market.
There are 2 non-profit booth spaces available at each market and they are given on a first applied, first scheduled basis after the application process closes. Each non-profit may attend the market up to two separate dates, except as determined by the Crested Butte Farmers Market Board of Directors. All non-profit spaces and dates are awarded on a first come, first served basis.
On market days please treat Elk Avenue like a 1 Way Street. Enter the 100 Block of Elk Avenue from 2nd Street and drive West up Elk Avenue. This reduces congestion on the street and increases vendor safety. For vendors with booth spaces in the Ten Block of Elk Avenue (the upper block of the market area), please do not drive through the 100 Block at all, simply enter the Ten Block from 1st Street.
When you are unloading in the morning, please pull your vehicle parallel to your booth space (leaving enough room for cars to get by your vehicle on one side), unload ALL of your equipment, pull your vehicle out of the market area, then come back to set-up your booth space. DO NOT begin setting up your tents while your vehicle is still in the market . For everyone’s safety, please refrain from setting out signs, tables, umbrellas, lane dividers, etc. into the roadway until EVERY vehicle is out of the market. This should be no earlier than 8:30am and could be as late as 8:45am. When you are loading back up after the market, please breakdown your booth space completely before you pull your vehicle into the market. DO NOT pull your vehicle into the market in the afternoon while your tents are still set up. This helps alleviate traffic jams in the market area and is just common courtesy to your fellow vendors. Please finish packing up and clear the street by 3pm so Elk Ave. can reopen.
Branding items (e.g. tee-shirts, caps, shopping bags) that bare the vendor’s logo and/or company name may be sold or given away at the market regardless of origin, though CBFM encourages vendors to source these products locally.
As of September 1, 2018 retail and wholesale businesses operating in The Town of Crested Butte are no longer allowed to issue disposable plastic bags at the point of sale for the purpose of transporting purchased goods. This ban applies to all of our CBFM vendors as well. For more information on the ban and what types of bags are allowable, please read the following info: Town of Crested Butte Ban the Bag Ordinance
Garage Sale and Flea Market items are expressly prohibited from being sold. Multi-level marketing products (e.g. Arbonne, Avon, Xocai, DoTerra, etc.) are expressly prohibited. Value-added foods and crafts not produced by the seller are expressly prohibited.
While CBFM does allow resale items to be sold at the market, one of the market’s primary goals is to support local farmers and artisans. Resell items are only permitted under the following circumstances: 1) The item in question is an agricultural product, 2) The item in question is not otherwise represented at market by a primary producer, 3) The item in question has been approved by CBFM manager, 4) The item in question is certified organic, certified naturally grown or the farm of origin has been inspected by a representative of CBFM.
Procedure for applying to resell:
Resell is considered purchasing an item from another producer for resale at the market. Selling items from properties you actively manage are not considered resell.
1. Submit a resale request to no later than the Tuesday prior to the Sunday you wish to resell the item(s) in question.
2. The Executive Director or other CBFM representative will determine whether a primary producer is representing the item(s) in question and whether the item meets CBFM’s requirements.
3. The CBFM representative will notify the reseller and all CBFM vendors of his/her determination no later than the Thursday after application by 5:00 pm.
If you purchase any agricultural product you are selling, you are required to have a Colorado Resale License from the Colorado Department of Agriculture. You must also provide CBFM with this license no later than one week prior to the date you wish to resell an item. All resale and consignment items must be identified with a sign no less than 5.5” x 8.5” which details the name and location of the original grower or producer. State law requires that the sign be displayed at all times during business hours.
Additional Fee: Due to the increased labor involved in mitigating requests for resale, any vendor applying to resell an item will be subject to a one-time $100 fee. If you do not comply with the above schedule, you will be charged a further $100 per incident in which an item not specifically approved using the procedure above is found at your booth.
Documentation Required: You must provide documentation of your Colorado Resale License.
To provide information to consumers and to identify individual vendors, each vendor must have an identifying sign at least 8.5” x 11” in size. The sign must include the vendor’s name and the location of business. Further information is at the vendor’s discretion. The sign must be placed in a highly visible location at the vendor’s booth. Because the CBFM strives to remain politically and religiously neutral, vendors are not allowed to display signs, banners or posters that endorse any particular political candidate/party or any religion/religious message. Vendors not in compliance will be asked to remove the offending signage. Repeat offenders will be removed from the market.
Each space at the market is 10’ x 10’. CBFM will make every effort to maintain continuity for vendors; however, vendors should note that spaces are subject to change. Non-food vendors and not-for-profits will be assigned only one space. Food vendors may request a double or triple booth space, as well as additional room for cooling trucks/trailers (up to 24 feet by 10 feet “elbow room”).
The Crested Butte Farmers Market will not accommodate any requests for specific booth spaces or sides of the street. Since the introduction of restaurant seating on Elk Avenue the CBFM has found it necessary to expand our market area in order to accept our traditional number of vendors. We now utilize both the 100 and Ten Blocks of Elk Avenue. We will not take or accommodate requests to be in a specific block. The final market map is reflective of what’s best for the market as a whole and not where individual vendors prefer to be located. Subletting your booth space is not allowed.
CBFM charges a booth fee as well as a daily market fee of 3% of gross sales. The purpose of these fees are to pay for market costs including, but not limited to, business licensing fees imposed by the Town of Crested Butte and the State of Colorado, special event and clean up fees imposed by the Town of Crested Butte, advertising, supplies, labor, etc.
Booth fees are paid by the full season to receive a discount or, new as of 2018, by the partial season. A full season vendors may only miss 3 of the 20 markets in a season and these dates must be specified on your application. A partial season vendor may miss up to 6 of the 20 markets in a season and these dates must be specified on your application. Partial season vendors may only apply for a single booth space. Daily vendors, or fill in vendors, have no reserved location and pay a day rate of $30/day. The weekend of the Crested Butte Arts Festival, when the market may have to relocate, is an optional weekend for any vendor. The Executive Director and CBFM Board of Directors reserves the right to amend this as needed to arrange the market map.
Full season booth fees are more affordable than partial season fees because they require less intervention on the part of the CBFM Executive Director. Full season and partial season vendors that miss more markets than allowed will be charged a fee of $25 per occurrence. If you must cancel a date you had originally planned to attend, all vendors must cancel, either via email, phone call or text, by the Thursday before the upcoming market or they will be charged a $25 per occurrence.
Required Fees:
Vendor Type |
Booth Fee |
Market Fee |
Misc. Fees |
Optional Truck/Trailer Space |
Produce |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season $325 double $450 triple
3% (up to $50 can be paid with food) |
None |
$75 |
Ranch & Dairy |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season $325 double $450 triple
3% (up to $50 can be paid with food) |
None |
$75 |
Value Added Food Producer |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season $325 double $450 triple
3% (up to $50 can be paid with food) |
None |
Not Applicable |
Cottage Food Producer |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season $325 double $450 triple
3% (up to $50 can be paid with food) |
None |
Not Applicable |
Concessions |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season $325 double $450 triple
3% |
None |
Not Applicable |
Non Food |
$225 single full season $300 single partial season |
None |
Not Applicable |
Not For Profit |
None |
None |
None |
Not Applicable |
Fees for additional requests:
Optional Fee |
Amount |
Truck Space or “Elbow Room” (24’ X 10’) |
$75 |
Resale Fee for anyone wishing to resell items |
$100 |
At the end of each market day you will be given an envelope with an enclosed Vendor Checkout Sheet. You are required to tally your total earnings and the sales tax you collect as well as any donations (for non-profit and community service booths). You are then required to deliver this form with your market fee, Crested Butte town taxes owed and any other applicable fees to the Executive Director, Market Director or a market volunteer.
Only those vendors selling food are eligible for the food-for-fees program. This does not include concessions. Produce, farm, ranch, dairy, value added food producers and cottage food vendors may pay up to $50 of their daily market fee with food items. The remainder must be paid via cash or check. Food paid to CBFM in lieu of fees is used to:
1) compensate volunteers
2) to supply food for low-income residents and
3) to provide for CBFM events, fundraisers and dinners.
Procedure for remitting fees and participating in food-for-fees:
1. Fill out the market sales form, noting gross sales and any applicable sales tax withheld.
2. Calculate the daily market fee owed.
3. If you are participating in food-for-fees, you may provide the market with fresh produce, meats, bread, cheeses and other food (excluding concessions) of up to $50 retail value.
4. Town of Crested Butte sales tax cannot be paid through the food-for-fees program.
5. Remit your completed form with food-for-fees and/or check/cash to the Executive Director or a market volunteer at the end of the market day or the following market day. You may also mail the form, with payment, to:
PO BOX 2241
Crested Butte, CO 81224
Field inspections will be performed as needed by one or more members of the Crested Butte Farmers Market Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director to ensure that the vendor’s items come from the stated point of origin and that any claims regarding those items are dutifully met. Prospective participants who are unwilling to have a field inspection should not apply for participation. If a field inspection indicates that the vendor is not complying with the Rules and Regulations of the CBFM the vendor will no longer be permitted to return to market and any fees paid to the market will not be refunded.
Any vendor wishing to sell at the market must submit an application. By signing the application the vendor agrees to abide by the terms set forth in these Rules and Regulations, the Guidelines for Food Sampling at Colorado Farmers Markets and any verbal or written directions given by the CBFM Executive Director or his/her designee or the CBFM Board of Directors while at the market. Anyone found to be willfully violating any of these provisions will forfeit further participation in the market with no refund of fees.
Any vendor who displays any harmful or divisive activity or is subject to consumer complaint will have his or her membership reviewed by the board of directors and may have his or her membership revoked and/or be asked to leave the market. In such cases, any fees will not be refunded. The Board of Directors reserves the right to review and revoke membership and vendor participation whenever deemed necessary.
Vendors cannot engage in aggressive selling, barking, hawking or calling out to customers in an aggressive way. Vendors should stay within their booth space while selling and not approach or walk up to customers in order to “pull them in”.
Vendors are expected to attend the market sober and maintain sobriety for the duration of set-up, the market operational hours and breakdown.
Electricity is not provided by the Crested Butte Farmers Market and vendors may not plug into the electrical outlets of neighboring businesses or homes. We do not allow the use of generators at the market. There is 1 business that has been “grandfathered” in and we allow them to use a generator for a few weeks each season to operate their chili roaster. Any other “new” generator requests will not be allowed.
Each vendor is responsible for making sure their selling area is safe. You must remove all potential hazards from your selling area, maintain its cleanliness and remove all trash prior to leaving the market area. All canopies and umbrellas must be weighted or tied down by 40 pound weights ON EACH LEG. Failure to weigh down your tent before the market opens to the public will result in a $25 fee. The CBFM does not have access to a water source for vendor use, so please do not bring empty 5 gallon buckets that need to be filled with water on sight.
NOTE: Gallon-sized water jugs DO NOT provide sufficient weight. If your tent is not properly weighted down, you will be asked to take it down immediately.
Pets, including vendor animals, are allowed at the market but must be on a leash at all times. This is in accordance with the Town of Crested Butte’s leash laws.
Before leaving the market at the end of the day, please be sure your area is clean and trash free. The CBFM provides trash cans (located at either end of the 100 Block) for customer use throughout the day and the Town of Crested Butte has several trash cans along the sidewalks in the 100 Block. We will also set-up a few extra trash in high traffic areas for customer use. Vendors may dispose of small items in any of these trash cans, but please note that the Town of Crested Butte has a “Pack it in, pack it out,” Zero Waste policy for special events like the market. This means that excessive trash and large items should NOT be disposed of in market or town trash/recycling cans, but should be packed out with vendors to dispose of elsewhere. Bins for compostable and small recyclable materials will be available at the market and a CBFM representative or volunteer will remove these items and take them to appropriate compost or recycling centers on a weekly basis. Again, vendors may not place any large items of trash or recycling in the market or town bins. You must dispose of these items off-site.
Disposable food service items including but not limited to plates, cups, flatware etc. produce the bulk of the waste at CBFM and as such must be minimized in the first place, and secondly be compostable or made of materials able to be recycled in Gunnison County (e.g. #1 & #2 plastics only). We recommend compostable EcoProducts Vanguard Line. EcoProducts is a Boulder, CO-based company specializing in recycled or renewable single-use products. Items in their Vanguard line are sugarcane-based, PFA-free compostable plates and bowls that can be used in place of traditional disposable items. See
Any vendor selling ready to eat foods in single-use packaging must provide trash, recycling or composting bins AT YOUR BOOTH for customers to utilize. You are required to dispose, recycle or compost that waste after the market OFF-SITE. This is in order to comply with the Town of Crested Butte’s Zero Waste Initiative for special events, like the Farmers Market, and to reduce the amount of waste placed in town and/or market trash receptacles.
The Town of Crested Butte will impose fines on the market when excess trash is left on the street or next to town trash cans. The fine will be $100, then $250, then $500, etc. If trash is left outside of bins and the CBFM incurs excessive fines this year, that cost will eventually trickle down to vendors.
All vendors (entire season and partial season) must provide proof of commercial general liability policy in the amount of $1,000,000 and submit a waiver of liability, indemnifying CBFM, its board of directors, its volunteers and its employees against any and all claims arising from their participation in the market. Vendors must further name the Crested Butte Farmers Market, Inc. as an additional insured on their policies.
It is recommended that all Fill-In vendors have an insurance policy.
Non-profit/Community organizations do not need a specific insurance policy as coverage is provided by the market.
The Town of Crested Butte sales tax is 4.5%. Vendors are required to collect and remit their own state and county sales tax to the State of Colorado, as applicable. All vendors are required to collect and remit their Town of Crested Butte Sales tax through the Crested Butte Farmers Market on a weekly basis, regardless of whether or not they also hold a Town of Crested Butte business and sales tax license.
Scales must be certified by the State of Colorado, and must have the current approved seal of the State of Colorado Measurements and Standards Section.
Vendors may offer samples of their produce and value-added foods provided that they practice good hygiene, proper sanitization and cleanliness. Vendors must obey the Sampling Guidelines for Colorado Markets. Vendors are not allowed to roam the market while giving away samples of their goods. Samples may only be offered at the vendor’s booth.
The following fines will be issued to those vendors in violation of the Crested Butte Farmers
Market Rules and Regulations. Fines apply to all vendors, including not-for-profits. The Executive Director or Market Director has the ability to use their discretion on rule enforcement and fines. The penalties that can incur fines are as follows:
Market absence notification to the Executive Director must be made by the Thursday before the upcoming market, otherwise a $25 fine will be imposed.
A no show, no call on Sunday morning will incur a $50 fine.
Arriving late to the market is not acceptable. Any vendor showing up later than 8:30 a.m. will not be allowed to drive into the market and a $25 fine will be imposed.
Elk Avenue is a one way street, from East to West, on market day. Driving through the market from West to East is a danger to other market vendors, pedestrians, etc. A fine of $25 per occurrence will be imposed if you drive through the market incorrectly.
Failure to weight your tent as required will result in a $25 fine per occurrence.
Failure to meet the minimum number of markets required for attendance for the booth you have rented will result in a $25 fine per occurrence.
Failure to follow resale application procedure (per item) will result in $100 fine per occurrence.
The CBFM Board of Directors, Executive Director or Market Director may enforce these fees as they see necessary while following the procedure for handling violations as outlined below.
Continued violation of the Rules and Regulations of the CBFM could result in being excused as a vendor from the market with no refund. It is your responsibility to know and understand these rules and share them with any employee who maybe working the market in your place. If you have questions now is the time to ask them. Please contact the Executive Director with any questions.
Except as otherwise specified in this document, if a vendor is in violation of this agreement, the following action will be taken:
1. The vendor will be asked by the Executive Director or Market Director to immediately rectify the violation and a fine will be imposed. Consider these Rules and Regulations your first warning, you will not be given another warning before a fine is imposed.
2. If the violation occurs again, the vendor will be asked by the Executive Director or Market Director to immediately rectify the violation and a second fine will be imposed. A letter will also be issued to the vendor reminding them of the market’s policies, rules and regulations.
3. If the violation occurs a third time, the Executive Director or Market Director will issue a letter of dismissal to the vendor and a third fine will be imposed. The vendor may request a review by the Board of Directors within ten days but will be unable to attend the market again until the Board of Directors reviews the situation.
Market management cannot respond to complaints and product challenges unless you notify the Executive Director or Market Director of violations you see; however, due to egregious use of the complaint process in the past, if you wish to file a formal complaint against another vendor, you may use the procedure below. Your complaint will be kept anonymous during investigation.
1. Notify CBFM Executive Director of the nature of your complaint IN WRITING within 7 days of the alleged infraction by emailing or by mailing a letter of complaint to:
PO Box 2241
Crested Butte, CO 81224
2. CBFM will review and investigate the complaint within ten days and the Board of Directors will issue a response within 30 days.
If a vendor causes damage to another vendor’s property, the vendors involved must work together to come to a solution. Property damage might be covered, in some capacity, by insurance. CBFM has no judicial authority.
CBFM reserves the right to prohibit anyone from selling at the market or to prohibit any product from being sold there. These determinations will be made based on market demand, applicable laws and health codes, the rules and regulations of the Crested Butte Farmers Market and at the Board of Directors’ discretion. Rules and regulations are subject to change for special event days and/or at the discretion and judgment of the Board of Directors.
In the event that any one or more provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of these Rules and Regulations nor any agreement between the vendor and the CBFM, but these shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, unenforceable provisions had never been contained herein unless the deletion of such provision or provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated to be unreasonable.
A vendor may request a refund of all booth fees no later than May 1st. Refunds will not be issued after this point for any reason.
Questions may be directed to:
Allison Pugh, Executive Director
Crested Butte Farmers Market
PO BOX 2241
Crested Butte, CO 81224